What a fright!

Armando Quintero & André Letria

ISBN: 978-84-96788-49-7, 978-84-9871-135-6, 978-84-96788-78-7, 978-84-9871-099-1, 978-84-96788-29-9

Mr Snail and Miss Snail live their walk full of adventures.


ISBN: N/A Category


Pages: 24 págs.

Binding: cartón

Measurements: 17x16 cm

Publication: septiembre 2008

Mr Snail and Miss Snail live their walk full of adventures. Fifi the dog confuses them with two chocolates and Mauro the cat, with a pair of balls. ”What a fright!”, they both conclude when they come through unscathed counting on each others support.



Text by Armando Quintero Illustrations by André Letria Translation by Mark W. Heslop

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