Mr. Snail and Miss Snail

Armando Quintero & André Letria

ISBN: 978-84-96788-48-0, 978-84-9871-134-9, 978-84-9871-134-9, 978-84-96788-77-0, 978-84-9871-099-1, 978-84-96788-28-2

Mr Snail felt dull and without a shine until Miss Snail found him beautiful and, with their antennae waving in the sun, they walked and spoke discovering together what friendships consist of not only for the garden snails.



Text by Armando Quintero Illustrations by André Letria Translation by Mark W. Heslop


ISBN: N/A Category


Pages: 24 págs.

Binding: cartón

Measurements: 17x16 cm

Publication: septiembre 2008

Mr Snail felt dull and without a shine until Miss Snail found him beautiful and, with their antennae waving in the sun, they walked and spoke discovering together what friendships consist of not only for the garden snails.



Text by Armando Quintero Illustrations by André Letria Translation by Mark W. Heslop

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