Go out of the village, take the track to the valley, enter the dark forest and watch out for the small, single house that is surrounded by a fence… If you dare so!
Go out of the village, take the track to the valley, enter the dark forest and watch out for the small, single house that is surrounded by a fence… If you dare so!
The Catalan Pep Bruno is a writer, who has already written several books for OQO, like Pétala, The silly nanny goat or Count with me. In this publication he dares to open the doors of mystery. He leads the reader into a story full of excitement and narrative suspense in order to tell the occurrences of this disturbing – but yet funny – journey, that is lived by the little protagonist during a day that first seemed predictable: eating cake and blowing out the candles.
Matteo Gubellini is a multi-prizewinning Italian artist, who has already worked for some of the most prestigious publisher´s houses of children´s books in Italy or France. In My grandmother´s house he demonstrates his creativity, showing his plastic, figurative, formal, chromatic talent… It´s an example of his remarkable capability to accompany a coded narrative suggestion – in this case a horror story.
The humorous winks of some of the animal elements (bird, elefant…) and their personification join a special font and ease the dramatic suspense in which the protagonist is involved – a muddle of literary and cinematic references.
Text by Pep Bruno
Ilustrations Matteo Gubellini
From the Spanish translation by Mark W. Heslop