Antea and Filipa are two humble little old ladies who share everything, although their everything is almost nothing: water soup from Monday to Saturday and a noodle on Sundays. But they are happy being able to count on their greatest wealth: the affection they feel towards each other.
14,00€ – 14,90€
Antea and Filipa are two humble little old ladies who share everything, although their everything is almost nothing: water soup from Monday to Saturday and a noodle on Sundays. But they are happy being able to count on their greatest wealth: the affection they feel towards each other.
An extraordinary event will make them live a great adventure. Charo Pita reminds us that age is a gift: it is full of life and mysteries. A face sculpted by wrinkles is like a thousand-year-old tree; its thick trunk blossoms every spring in the same way that an old person does with every sunrise. Such are Antea and Filipa, adventurers of everyday life. Viejecitas is a moving story that teaches us the value of affection, the rebirth in old age, the illusion and overcoming of older women who, with courage and joy, are able to overcome any setback. The illustrator, Fátima Afonso, displays a discourse of a marked narrative character, with images full of suggestive details that allow us to enjoy a rich and deep visual reading. An illustrated album with great sensitivity, recommended for all ages.
Text by Charo Pita Illustrations by Fátima Afonso